Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Collectable or collector's item
from the perspective of a publication or printed items

A collector's item is one which is made without the intention of special interest but due to rarity or uniqueness, sometimes - a production fault, human error, or other events, becomes sought after due to its rarity in these circumstances. Occasionally, a series of circumstances will take place that result in an item from a collectable series becoming valuable and sometimes sold for substantial amounts of money.

A collectable is typically a manufactured item designed for people to collect. In this respect, they are distinguishable from other subjects of collections, which may also include a publication or printed items, or items manufactured for purposes other than collecting (e.g., stamps).

Some items designed for other purposes, such as tickets, posters or even entry or backstage passes, become so popular among collectors that they are later marketed specifically to that audience. A special price for certain posters or stickers is a good example of this phenomenon since any event or concerts were originally intended to be organized as a special occasion, rather than focusing on producing or merchandising collectables.

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